The amazing Davina McCall documentary this week on Channel 4. Well done on speaking out. From taking about the mood swings, brain fog, joint pains, insomnia, not being able to do your job, crawling skin (fasciculation’s).
I see more women with mood issues and brain fog than hot flushes. Low motivation is also a huge issues. Women need shows like this to educate and empower. Doctors are learning, but slowly. When I was GP training over 10 years ago, we were told to avoid HRT at all costs. Things are now changing, for the better. I’m passionate about menopause care because I see how life changing it is for my patients. Wonderful to have the breast cancer myths explained so clearly and the preventative effects of oestrogen on heart disease and dementia.
Super important to hear an open discussion about vaginal dryness. There’s plenty of treatment out there! Empower, learn, share.