A test where you provide saliva samples throughout the day to see how your stress hormones are fluctuating. This test can also measure your cortisol awakening response and sIgA, which is a reflection of your immunity. This is also measured on the DUTCH test.
Blood Tests
A range of blood tests are available, from cholesterol, sugars and insulin testing, kidney and liver function, full blood count and iron, as well as testing for autoimmune diseases, viruses, mercury and other disease bio markers.
Gut Health
An imbalance of gut bacteria, parasites, pathogens, increased gut permeability and your gut microbiome can have a huge impact on all aspects of your health. More and more research are being done into the gut microbiome and how it impacts every area of our health, from autoimmune disease, cancer risk, cardiovascular health, our immune system and obesity. These stool tests are all available via Dr Roked.
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
A rising problem that Dr Roked sees in clinic, due to lifestyle and diet there can be an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine which can cause bloating, diarrhoea or vomiting, but also fatigue, joint issues and mood changes.
Thyroid Health
Most GPs are not able to do detailed thyroid tests to check your TSH (the signal from the brain that tells the thyroid to work), T3 and T4 (hormones made by the thyroid gland), thyroid antibodies (which if high can attack the thyroid and block it from working effectively) and reverse T3 (an inactive form of T3) routinely as they don’t have access to them.
Dr Roked likes to do this test as a baseline and recheck it a few months later after interventions or medication to measure change.
Artery Screening
Within the NHS, the only way to see if your arteries are narrowed and you are at risk of a heart attack is to have an invasive angiogram, and unfortunately you normally have to wait until you have angina first. Dr Sohère uses a non-invasive method to see how young your arteries are and to give an indication of where improvements need to be made in your health. This is only non-invasive method in the UK, and it is as quick and simple to do as having your blood pressure checked. The Pulsecor machine has tested and endorsed by Imperial College London.
Genomic Testing
A simple cheek swab can hold the key to your genetics and how this is affecting your health. This enables analysis of over 100 of the best researched genetic markers that can be impacted by diet and lifestyle. Your genes are not your destiny but understanding them can be the first step to preventative health. Key areas addressed are:
- DNA Diet – what to eat for your genetic type.
- DNA Sport – what sort of exercise should you be doing and how much do you need to stay healthy.
- Methylation – one of the most important processes in the body. If this isn’t optimum it can affect your hormone metabolism, mood, sleep, energy and heart health.
- Detoxification – how is the liver functioning and is your body able to detoxify.
- Hormonal Balance – is your body able to process hormones and detoxify them. This can be for your own hormones or any hormone replacement therapy.
- Allergies and Histamine Balance – are your genetic pathways not functioning well and leading for you to have increased allergies?
Hormone Testing
This is usually done with a blood test, but Dr Roked also uses the DUTCH test, which is a Dried Urine Test for Complete Hormones, looking at hormone levels, cortisol, how the hormones are metabolised and markers for B-vitamins and antioxidants, melatonin and adrenaline and dopamine.
If having a menstrual cycle, the testing is often done around day-21. If you are not having a cycle it can be done at any time, however it’s best to discuss this with the doctor. If you have an irregular cycle it is best to discuss this with Dr Roked. You can also have your cycle mapped by doing urine or saliva samples throughout your cycle.
Telomere Testing
Telomeres are the caps on the end of our chromosomes that protect them, a bit like the plastic tip on a shoelace. Our DNA is located on our chromosomes which means that telomeres protect our genetic material. Telomere length is a good predictor of longevity. For example, in 2007, a study showed that in elderly twins, the twin with shorter telomeres is three times more likely to die first.
Having your telomeres tested will give you a measure of your biological age. Based on this Dr Roked can then see what lifestyle changes and supplements are needed, as well as what other testing that may be need. The key areas that affect telomeres are:
- Lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol.
- Stress
- Poor nutrition
- Certain supplements have been shown to improve telomere length.
As seen on ITV’s The Tonight Show – Help! Stop Me Ageing!
TONIGHT @JonnyMaitland discovers what his biological age is by testing his telomeres. See his results at @OmniyaLondon #ITVTonight pic.twitter.com/9yCDIlAKRE – 13 April 2017
Vitamins and Minerals
Blood and urine tests are available to check levels of amino acids, omega 3, B-vitamins, zinc, magnesium, iodine, vitamin D, antioxidants, to name a few. A good way to check your absorption from your diet or to personalise your supplementation plan.