About Dr Sohère Roked GP
Dr Sohère Roked is a General Practitioner with a specialist interest in Integrative medicine. Her passion is to help empower patients to take control of their healthcare, using a range of tools to achieve this.
Men’s Health
Andropause is the term referring to the gradual drop of testosterone which can affect energy and well-being in men. It is sometimes called ‘the male menopause’.
Telomere Testing
Having your telomeres tested will give you a measure of your biological age. Based on this Dr Roked can then see what lifestyle changes and supplements are needed.
How we can help you
Artery Screening
Within the NHS, the only way to see if your arteries are narrowed and you are at risk of a heart attack is to have an invasive angiogram, and unfortunately you normally have to wait until you have angina first. Read more…
Bio Identical & Body Identical Hormone Therapy
Dr Sohère Roked is one of the UK’s leading experts in bio identical & body identical hormone therapy (BHRT). She is extremely experienced as she has seen thousands of patients and treated them with BHRT in her career. Read more…
Genomic Testing
A simple cheek swab can hold the key to your genetics and how this is affecting your health. This enables analysis of over 100 of the best researched genetic markers that can be impacted by diet and lifestyle. Read more…
Gut Health
Making sure our gut health is optimum is important as it can affect our immune system, mood, weight, energy and digestive health. If your gut isn’t working well, you won’t be able to metabolise what you eat and it will also effect your ability to process hormones. Read more…
Personalised Wellness Programme
Dr Sohère Roked believes that prevention is better than cure and optimizing health should begin before there is illness. Dr Roked can look at various areas to improve your health, wellness and quality of life. Read more…
Thyroid Health
The symptoms of an underactive thyroid are a low mood, low energy and weight gain. However many other conditions and imbalances in the body can cause these symptoms. Read more…
Health Packages
Dr Sohère Roked is now offering a range of Health Packages to keep your health optimum. Including The Real Age (Telomere) Test, Comprehensive Gut Health Analysis, Health Coaching and more.
New Online Course
More Energy, Less Stress, Manage Your Weight! How balancing your hormones in 4 easy steps could be the missing piece of the puzzle to optimizing your health and Feeling great!
The Biological Age Assessment
A unique and comprehensive age profiling now available in the UK. The tests give you your real age: the age your body and brain actually are, rather than simply your chronological age.